Simple ways to boost the immune system

People are now becoming more conscious of their immune system. Strong immune system help us to defending against disease-causing organisms. To function well, the system requires harmony with body, mind and nature.

But most people fail to maintain such harmony and thus leads to low immunity. The common cause of such imbalance caused by sedentary and unhealthier daily routines (Dinacharya). There are no modern science proofs directly showing link between lifestyle and enhanced immune function.

But Ayurveda and yoga suggest a direct link between daily activities, diet, sleep, physical and mental wellbeing with our body immune response. Thus exploring, general healthy-living strategies are a good way to start giving your immune system the upper hand.

Asanas to Boost the Immune System

Yoga asanas are the best to build mind and body balance. Also, activates your white blood cells and contributes to boosting the immune system. Yoga is one of the most practiced rituals in the west.

There are several types of yoga asanas but here are the few asanas that are really effective in promoting immunity and reducing stress levels.

The asanas that work best are tree pose or Vrkshasana, bow pose or Dhanurasana, and bridge pose or Setu Bandha Sarvangasana. These asanas work best to boost the immune system.

Pranayama (Breathing Exercise)

Pranayama is the ultimate ritual to cleanse the complete body and mind. It nourishes your body and promotes vitality. Based on the body type there are several breathing exercises. For instance, Anuloma Viloma is best for the Vata people. While Sitali & Sitkari and Kapalabhati are best for Pitta and Kapha people. Practicing daily for at least 5 to 10 minutes is enough to clean the breath and enlighten your mind. 

Body cleansing (Using natural exfoliators)

This is one of the well-known rituals that we do daily. Bathing after practicing all the above rituals makes you feel refreshed and light. The essence of bathing is incredible after cleansing the complete body.

However, it is best to use natural exfoliators instead of liquid soap bars. Use salt, sugar, gram flour, wheat flour, and other natural exfoliators as a scrub. These substances remove the oil that you have applied in the self-massaging ritual.

Hydration (Drinking water correctly)

Have you ever drank water or chilled drinks while eating? If yes, then you might have suffered from gas or indigestion later. Don’t you? Ayurveda says not to drink any cool or chilled drinks while eating. Even water is prohibited while eating.

These cool and chilled drinks cool down the digestive fire and contribute to indigestion. However, you can sip herbal drinks or tea that speeds the digestion process. For instance, Triphala, ginger, amla, turmeric, and any other drinks or tea that improves digestion and immune system.

Right time for Meals

It’s advised to take meals in between 10 am to 2 pm when the sun is directly above your head. There is a strong relationship between the sun and your digestion.

According to recent research, the vitamin-D from the sun influences the microbes and makes digestion faster. So, make sure to eat in before 2 pm.

After that, Vata comes into the play i.e, from 2 pm to 6 pm. This is the time for creativity and thinking beyond the boundaries and limitations.

As Vata is dominant in this timings, your creativity, and problem-solving skills would be nourished. Choose creative works during this period. Gradually, your focus and attention get declined and your body and mind crave for rest.

Evening Routines

The evening walks in nature are more pleasing and calms our tensions and stress physiologically and psychologically. We feel drowsy in the evening times as it is the Kapha period.

Usually, from 6 pm to 10 pm, Kapha energy dominates the more. It’s best to take a Triphala(a combination of Haritaki, Bhibitaki, and Amalaki). Because it cleanses the digestive tract and balances your body.

Also, eat dinner before 6 pm. Do not stress your body and mind much in this Kapha period. Let it take rest and relax.


This is the period where our body tissues rejuvenate and heal themselves. 10 pm to 6 am is the best time to take rest. As your mind will be taking rest, your body digests the food easily. And ready your body for the next day. 

So, good sleep plays a vital role to boost the immune system as well as to balance the mind and body. Make sure you switch off all your mobiles before an hour of going to bed.

This triggers your body to relax. Or else, there would be imbalances in your sleeping pattern. And this affects your next day.


These are simple habits can Improve immune system. Clean all your five senses organs. Then, massage your body for deep nourishment and glowing. Asanas and pranayama make your mind and body balance and enlighten your mind.

So, make your life happier and strengthen your immune system with simple daily routines. No more flu’s, colds, cough, or any other small infections frighten you.

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