Best morning practices to improve health

The morning rituals or practices are vital and play a major role in our body in harmony with nature. Morning rituals are most important to keeping our body and mind healthy.  Most people start their day at 9 or 10 in the morning. However, Ayurveda suggests starting your day just before the sunrise.

The perfect time for morning routines is 4 am to 6 am. This is known as the vata period as vata energy dominates more during this period. Vata controls every movement inside the body whether its Internal body cleansing, nervous system or endocrine system. Sleeping beyond 8am increases kapha (heaviness) which in turn responsible for multiple hormonal issues and even weight gain. So, morning time is the best time to wake up and start the daily routines.

Tongue Cleansing

It’s quite common to feel a smelling mouth as soon as you wake up from your bed because of the bacteria and toxin(ama) residue on your tongue. Have you ever scratched your tongue? If yes, then you probably have seen the white residue drawing out of your tongue.

This harmful residue causes bad breath, unusual odor, and nausea even. So, it’s vital to clean the tongue as soon as you wake up from your bed. Use a copper tongue scraper to clean the tongue as it has high antibacterial properties, it kills the germs in your mouth. 

Copper not only resists the bad bacterial growth but nourishes the good mouth bacteria?[1] So, clean your tongue until there is no residue left on your tongue.

Oil Pulling for Mouth

Oil pulling has become a popular practice in many parts of the world. After completing the tongue cleaning, it’s time to pull out bacteria and toxins from the mouth as well.

Swishing oil for about 15 to 20 minutes helps in oral hygiene, teeth whitening, strengthening gums, enamel, and pacifies the TMJ symptoms. Oral hygiene plays an important role in maintaining a healthier body.

Healthier oral cavities are associated with reducing diabetes and heart risks.[2]

Coconut oil and sesame oil are the best choices. The antibacterial and antifungal properties of coconut oil make it best for this morning ritual. While sesame oil is highly nourishing. So, take the mouthful of oil and swish it off.

Massaging Gums

Sometimes, your gums start bleeding. And this can be eventually stopped by massaging your gums frequently with the sesame oil by adding pinch of rock salt. You can do this ritual either after your oil pulling or at night before you sleep.

Flossing the teeth is best at night. Cleaning the teeth before you sleep makes you feel refreshed. Do you know massaging gums even boosts the immune system?

So, start massaging your gums in the circular motion using sesame oil for at least 10 minutes. And finally, clean it off with lukewarm water. That’s it, enjoy the freshness of your mouth.

Drinking Lemon water empty stomach

Taking lemon water early in the morning is also a popular trend. Especially, if you are trying to lose weight, this drink is the best choice. However, lemon water does several things to your body other than just weight loss or increasing metabolism.

Taking warm lemon water early in the morning improves and supports the digestive fire. As it is rich in Vitamin-C, lemon also boosts the immune system. More importantly, it detoxifies the body and helps in the elimination of stool easily.

Make sure you do not take too much lemon. Just take a half teaspoon of lemon and a full glass of water. Then, add honey to it. That’s it, your detoxification drink is ready.

Elimination (An important morning ritual)

The root of all the diseases is the accumulation of toxins in the body. And if the elimination ritual is practiced well, this could be reduced to some extent.

Elimination of toxins through stools plays a vital role in improving the body’s metabolism. Do you know if bowel movements are irregular, it leads to constipation and gas? In turn, this leads to dehydration, and all the water from the body is utilized, even water from the stools.

This makes difficult bowel movements and harder to pass the stools. However, thanks to the ancient Ayurveda for its flawless tips for a healthier elimination process. 

Add ghee to your diet

Increase water intake

Add flax seeds in your diet

Massaging your abdomen with coconut or sesame oil

Eliminate stools in a squat position.

Note that your knees should be above your hip level. This eases the process. These are the few tips that could help you with the healthier elimination process.

Nose Cleansing

The nose is the entry gate for life energy or breath. So, you should clean the pathway of this life energy frequently. Or else it disturbs the functions of both mind and body.

To do this take a nasal pot with some sesame oil or Anu tailam in it. Lie down. Then, pour 5 drops of oil into your nose. After that, take a deep breath. So that oil penetrates and starts its cleansing action.

The antibacterial and nourishing properties of the oil clear the dirt and toxins from your nose. However, this technique is not for all. Pregnant women, children below 7 years, elders above 80 years should not do this ritual.

Also, this ritual is not advised to practice during menstruation, acute fever, physical exercise, indigestion, a full stomach, grief, hunger, purgation, diarrhea, and just before or after the bath.

Eye Cleansing

Eyes are the most sensitive of all the five sense organs. So, proper care needs to be taken. Or else, it leads to eye irritation, redness, conjunctivitis, or any other eye illness. However, one of the morning rituals helps you to clean your eyes and rejuvenate it.

This is called Netra Tarpanam. Usually, it is practiced using purified butter or ghee. Medicated ghee or triphala grita is the best for netra tarpanam. Practicing this ritual once or twice a week promotes healthier and lively eyes.

Make sure that this eye cleansing process is done in optimal temperatures. You should avoid practicing this ritual in extremely cold or hot conditions.

Abhyanga (Complete body massage)

The abhyanga has a deep nourishing effect on both mind and body. Several researchers have claimed that regular body massage could help in the production of active white blood cells and eventually helps in boosting the immune system.

Regular body massage promotes health and wellness. Improves skin texture, glow, enlightens the mind, relieves from all kinds of pains, etc.

Here are the few oils for Vata, Pitta, and Kapha skin types.

Sesame oil is best for Vata skin people.

While mustard oil and coconut oil for Kapha and Pitta skin type people.

However, sunflower oil is best for both Kapha and pitta skin types.


Ayurveda ensures the best health through healthier and simple daily routines. These practices in combination with natural herbal combinations, Not only it helps to improve your health but also enhances mind and body balance.

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